My name is Anne-Marie and I am a teacher at the Kindergarten Boissière in Paris, in charge of children age 5 to 6.
I am a graduate of Science-Pô, a private University dedicated to Administration, Finance and Economy. My first job as Marketing Manager in a Company of direct sales did not suit me very well and after 8 years, I took a completely different direction and found the profession I wanted to work in: Teacher of Pre-school Children. This job is ideal, because it offers me very rich human contacts and sufficient liberty for initiative and creativity.
Why create an Internet site? The idea is to share with other Teachers, with Parents and with Children the benefits and the experience of 10 years of creations.
To my fellow Teachers: may be you will find some files of this site useful and may be some of you will be glad to get in touch with me and share your methods and ways of teaching and thus make this site more interesting.
To the Parents: pressure for successs at school becomes stronger and stronger and starts earlier and earlier. Many Parents are anxious, they would like to help their Children but don't know how and in which field. Other Parents have Children who are in trouble and refuse to see the difficulties. This site and the exercises which are suggested could help you to understand what can be expected from an average Child when he/she enters Primary School. I explain in the chapter " Advice to Parents" the rules which I follow to evaluate the level of Children. The first rule is of course to train Children in various exercises both oral and written which are similar to those used to make evaluations.
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