Posters for your classroom
You have below an outline of  posters for your class. Click on it and you can print them in  pdf format.

5 pictures of a School Day

September to August
All the days of the week in capital letters (2 worksheets)
All the days of the week in script letters



All the days of the week in cursiv letters (4worksheets)



All the numbers from 1 to 39 in 7 worksheets


Alphabet in capital letters
Alphabet in script letters
Alphabet in cursiv letters
Same poster with EFGH
Same poster with IJKL
Same poster with MNOP
Same poster with QRST
Same poster with UVW
Same poster with XYZ

Same poster with “ma, me”
Same poster with “pa, pe ”
Same poster with “sa, se,”
Same poster with “ta, te ”

Only the vowels “A, E”

Same poster with “mi, mo”
Same postert with “pi, Po”
Same poster with “si, so”
Same poster with “ti, to”

Only the vowels “I, O”

Same poster with “mu, my”
Same poster with “pu, py”
Same poster with “su, sy”
Same poster with “tu, ty”

Only vowels “U, Y”

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