To locate a word among others
Locate a word among others

Color the words that areidentical to the model

Same worksheet with the word “hen”

Locate a word in a list

In a list of 4 words circle the word that is the same as the word shown in the rectangle.
Same worksheet with 12 objects

Find identical words
Find identical words

Cut out words at the bottom of t he page and paste them under the model.

Same type of worksheet with animals
Same type of worksheet with the characters of the story of “Chickenhalf”


Place the right word at the right place




Find identical words with different types of letters



Cut out the words at bottom and place them under the model

same type of worksheet with dinosaurs
Same type of worksheet with objects of witch

Find identical words

Jack and the Beanstalk

Find identical words in differents writings

Jack and the Beanstalk

Find identical words in differents writings

Jack and the Beanstalk

following page

home page





