Realized by Delphine Brocard, average section at the school Helene Butcher in Montgeron.
We must work in space the topological concepts which will be taken again to describe the photographs.

TO ACT AND EXPRESS THEMSELVES WITH ITS BODY: To adapt its displacements to various types of environments.
TO DISCOVER LE MONDE: To locate objects or displacements in space compared to oneself.

Consign: Move in space while following the workshops set up.

Assessment meeting to make charge the pupils: what did you make in this workshop? To await correct sentences with the use of the good space indicators.

After several meetings the children will have to sort the photographs, according to their position, to make a common posting.


We made roll of the balls on and under the benches, then we reproduced the images (Edélios utilities) by describing them in advance.
The image is described orally, then posed in front of each workshop and the pupils must reproduce the movement.


We worked interior outside with the cerceaux ones, then in class, we took again the small cerceaux ones and of the playmobiles. By associating the quantity. “We are 2, 3… in the cerceaux ones.”.