Maths |
a chronological frieze with dinosaurs to help the children to see when is their birthday |
8 puzzles of dinosaurs |
Identifying codes for various periods and various dinosaurs |
Count the dinosaurs and indicate the results |
Reproduce 1 model of dinosaur with geometrical forms |
Reproduce 2 models of dinosaur with geometrical forms |
A diplodocus shaped as a labyrinth |
Locating yourself while following different paths |
Reading |
Game of the 7 differences: locate the differences of 2 dinosaurs of the same family |
Order the letters to make the word "dinosaur" |
Identify names of dinosaurs written with the same characters |
Identify names of dinosaurs written with different characters |
Order the syllables to make the names of the dinosaurs |
Graphics |
Coloring of a vélociraptor |
Coloring of the period sorted (1st dinosaurs) |
Coloring of the Jurassic period |
Cretaceous coloring of the period |
Visual Arts |
A color book with a small dinosaur |
Dinosaurs created with various techniques : many ideas |
thumbnails |
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Posters |
diplodocus |
parasaurolophus |
ichthyosaurus-dimétrodon |
compsognathus |
ptérodactylus |