Hat of Reindeer
How to make this  reindeer?

You can see opposite what you need .Pay attention that the salad bowl fits correctly on the heads of the Children.

Steps to be followed
Take the salad bowl and  cover it with aluminum foil.  Make the antlers out of aluminum foil and attach them on the bowl with a wide brown scotch tape . Soak the strips of newspaper with  the glue for wallpaper and cover the bowl with it ; make several layers (the more you make, the more the hat will be solid).Let dry if possible on a heater. Cover antlers  ( with only one layer in order not  to be too heavy for the aluminum foil and use  little glue) With the stencil shown below draw on cardboard,  paint and cut out the muzzle.  Assemble and glue the pieces together,  add  ears, eyes and nostrils.
Put on a rubber band.
Stencil for muzzle and  ears in printable pdf

Click on it .

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