Realized by Delphine Brocard, with Children of 4 to 5, Kindergarten Helene Boucher in Montgeron - Ile de France

“Participation of the Children was great during the 1 h15 of the lesson, which  started with a review of all that has to do with the forest : what is made of wood, or  paper, how to avoid cutting  trees and to summ it up  all that  is necessary to sharpen the interest of the Children  for their environment.”

To do it you need : see card on the opposite side


You need : a framed screen ; a plastic container ; a small board ; pieces of fabric ; a water bucket ; a sponge ; a mixer ; a wooden spatula ; waste paper.







1 st Step : shred the waste paper and soak it in water in the plastic container.



2 nd Step : use the mixer to obtain an homogeneous liquid paste(mind that it may splash)





3 rd Step : put the screen into the liquid then lift it out .

4 th Step : put a piece of fabric on the screen then the board in order to drain the water.




5 th Step : to eliminate remaining water, scratch the with the spatula then with the sponge





6 th Step : remove the board and take the sheet to the press.

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